
  • 知识
  • 2025年03月06日
  • 从前有两个兄弟,一个富有,一个贫穷。这个贫穷的兄弟靠卖谷物为生,他的生活很艰难;他的生意也很平淡,以至于他无法养活他的家人。他推着车子经过一片森林,一边是高耸的大山,那里寸草不生,光秃秃的一片。 突然,他看到十二个高个子的粗暴的人朝他走来,他以为他们是强盗,所以把车子推进灌木丛中 himself climbed up a tree, waiting to see what would



突然,他看到十二个高个子的粗暴的人朝他走来,他以为他们是强盗,所以把车子推进灌木丛中 himself climbed up a tree, waiting to see what would happen.

The twelve men walked towards the mountain peak and shouted, "Open sesame!" The mountain split open, and they walked inside. After they had all gone in, the mountain door closed again. Then it opened once more, and they came out with heavy sacks on their shoulders.

They returned to the bright light of day, and someone said, "Close sesame!" The mountain door closed again without leaving any trace. Then the twelve men disappeared from view.

After they were completely gone, this poor brother climbed down from the tree. He was a little surprised at what he had just seen; he wondered what could be hidden inside that mountain? He climbed up the big mountain and shouted loudly: "Open sesame!"

The mountain opened for him too! Inside there were no tunnels or rooms but only vast spaces filled with gold coins shining like stars! This poor man was confused; he didn't know if he could take some of that treasure home?

In the end, he decided to fill his pockets with gold but left all other precious things behind. When he came out of the cave again, he called out: "Close sesame!" And as before, everything closed up tight once more!

He then pushed his cart back home feeling worry-free now about providing for his family anymore nor needing extra money for anything else – living such a happy life!

Later on when his brother asked him why did you use your basket so many times? His response was: I'm counting corns & grains!

His brother's eyes widened - What are you doing using my basket like that? That's when our story takes an interesting turn...