
  • 知识
  • 2025年03月03日
  • 从前,一个皇帝对食物感到厌倦,无论是山珍海味还是其他美食,都无法激起他的胃口。有一天,他在早朝上向臣子们提出了这个问题:“你们中有没有什么特别的美食,我还没尝过的?”左丞相和右丞相之间一直存在着不和,这时左丞相听了皇帝的话,立刻想到了一个机会。他站起来说:“陛下,我知道一种独特的美食,那是一只会下蛋的公鸡,它们下的蛋非常鲜美。”皇帝一听,就很高兴地说:“如果真的有这种东西




Right Minister (Right Censor) was worried sick. He told his sister about the situation, and she came to visit him. She asked, “What's wrong with you? You look so ill.” Right Minister explained the whole situation to her.

His niece, who was visiting from out of town, heard about this and said, “Don't worry about it. I have a plan.” Right Minister asked her what it was. The niece replied that she would go to court and plead for mercy on behalf of her uncle.

Right Minister thought this might work and agreed to let his niece handle it. Sure enough, when the three days were up and Right Minister didn't appear in court as ordered by the Emperor,

the Emperor summoned him once more: "Where is that chicken egg I requested?" The little girl stood forward again:

"Your Majesty," she said timidly,

"my father has fallen ill at home."

The Emperor's anger boiled over:

"How can a man be ill with child?

You're certainly trying to defy me!

Seize them all!" he thundered.

But then he noticed something strange - a chicken laying an egg!

He realized his mistake immediately:

"You mean my servant is giving birth?"

he demanded.

And when he discovered there was no such thing,

he pardoned Right Minister on the spot.

From that day forward,

the little girl became known throughout the land

as a wise one indeed!