王勃(650-676),初唐诗人。字子安,绛州龙门(今山西稷山、河津一带)人。祖父王通是著名学者。王勃少时即聪慧过人,据传六岁就会作文章,有“神童”之誉;十四岁时应举及第,授朝散郎,沛王召署府修撰。当时诸王中斗鸡之风盛行,王勃戏作《檄周王鸡》一文加以嘲讽。周王就是唐高宗的儿子、后来的中宗李显。唐高宗李治恼恨王勃“大不敬”,就将他逐出王府; 王勃因此得以漫游蜀中,曾一度任虢州参军;后来又因为受牵连犯了死罪,遇大赦免死革职。
其父 王福畴因受 王勃牵连,也从雍州司功参军贬为交趾令。不久 王勃前往探亲,渡海溺水,被惊吓致死。年仅二十七岁。 Wang Bo 与 Yang Jian, Lu Zhonglin, Luo Binwang齐名,为初唐四杰。他们都力求革新当时争构纤微竞为雕刻的齐梁宫体诗风拓宽诗歌题材表现积极进取健康昂扬精神抒发感慨怀才不遇愤懑。
由于他们在革新齐梁诗风和促进五律渐趋成熟方面所做出的突出贡献,因此杜甫有“Wang Yang Lu Luo 当时体”的赞誉.Wang Bo 的诗主要描写个人生活亦有少数抒发抱负表达不满之作风格较为清新他的诗大都对仗工整上下蝉联但有些诗篇仍浮躁炫露流于浮艳没有彻底摆脱六朝辞藻华丽绮靡的诗风.
Wang Bo 的文章以《滕武阁序》著名. 有《Wang Zi'an Ji》. Wang Bo 成就 Wang Bo 的作品原有30卷现仅存16卷存文80多首文章90多篇. 他最著名的作品是《滕武阁序》关于<滕武阁序》的由来唐末 Wang Dingbao 的《Tang Ssu Yi Wen》有一段生动记载原来阎公本意让其婿孟学士作序以彰其名,不料在假意谦让时,Wang Bo 就提笔就作.
此次宴会上, 阎都督请诸位宾客各自写一篇序文,以此作为宴会上的礼物. 然而,当众人的眼前,只有一个青年晚辈— Wang Bo —毫无犹豫地拿起笔墨,在纸上挥洒着自己的文字. 这个年轻人的名字很快就在宴席上响起,他叫什么?他就是我们今天要说的那位恐怖的人— Li Bai 最恐怖的是他的藏头词— it is said that he could write poetry at the age of six and was known as a child prodigy in his early years; he passed the imperial examination at the age of fourteen and became an official at court, serving under Prince of Qin (沛国). However, due to his humorous poem "檄周公鸡" which mocked the prince's extravagance and cruelty, he was dismissed from office by Emperor Gaozong (Li Zhi) who felt disrespected by him.
As a result of this incident, King Po (Prince of Qin) asked him to serve as a military officer in Jing Prefecture where he wrote many poems about his experiences there before being reassigned to Xiang Prefecture later on due to some unknown reasons possibly related to political intrigue or factional strife within the Tang court during those times when power struggles were frequent among its members since everyone sought more control over their own territories while trying not only maintain but expand them too!