把陈年旧梦一口饮干,现在我是声嘶力竭的乞讨者,你是东倒西歪的觅梦人。Drink the old dream, now I am a hoarse beggar, you are a wandering dreamer.

爱一个人,我愿为君依红装,一只草戒,情定一生。Love a person, I would like to be the king in red, a grass ring, love set life.

爱在无言中,情在默默守候中,没有一生一世,只有点点滴滴,珍惜感动的那个他/她。Love in speechless, love in the silent waiting, not a lifetime, only bit by bit, cherish the moved him / her.

爱是什么?爱就是飘来一片乌云,然后开始下雨,你要把她保护起来。What is love? Love is a cloud, and then it starts to rain, you have to protect her.

路上的一个举手投足的动作也许会让彼此在人海中错过,错过的风景只能在对岸处才能看清。A gesture on the road may make each other miss in the sea of people, and the missed scenery can only be seen in the opposite bank.

你是我遇过最善良幽默的女孩子,可惜上帝只精心制作了一个你。You are the most kind and humorous girl I have ever met, but God has only carefully made you.

这天有了你,世界更精彩;今晚有了你,星空更灿烂;今生拥有你,人间更温暖。This day, you are more brilliant, you have a more wonderful world.

记忆,在一花一树间,将一弯思念慢慢铺展,在风中轻轻地遥望,在雨中恣意的晕染。Memory, in a flower and a tree, will be a curved Miss slowly spread out, in the wind gently look, in the rain wanton halo dye.

这世界上最快乐的事情,不是有花不完的钱,而是赚到的每一分钱都愿为你花。The happiest thing in the world is not to have endless money, but to spend every cent I earn for you.

是一种疼痛时的喜悦,明知,花开荼蘼,心已苍老,却依然顾盼他日旧地重游,心似灵蝶双双飞。It is a kind of pain when the joy, knowing that the flowers bloom in full bloom, the heart has been old, but still looking forward to the future visit to the old place, the heart like a soul butterfly both fly