
  • 诗人
  • 2025年02月19日
  • 张永安生态跑猪成功创业故事:权威概述 张永安,一个在养殖业有十多年经验的农民,他曾经尝试过养鸡、鸭、鱼,还有野猪。然而,由于市场价格波动不定,大起大落,让他的养殖业并不稳定。他一直寻找新的方法来改善这一状况。 2010年,一次偶然的机会改变了他的一生。一个农户向他展示了一种放养猪和牛羊一样的方式,称之为“生态跑猪”。这是一种自然放牧法, pigs roam freely in the




2010年,一次偶然的机会改变了他的一生。一个农户向他展示了一种放养猪和牛羊一样的方式,称之为“生态跑猪”。这是一种自然放牧法, pigs roam freely in the mountains, eating plants and trees. This method allows the pigs to exercise regularly, reducing their fat content and resulting in a leaner meat.

Zhang Yong'an was fascinated by this idea and decided to try it out. He built a pen on a hillside over 400 meters above sea level, where he released over 100 pigs. The pigs were free to roam in the forest, foraging for food and exercising throughout the day. At night, they would return to their pen voluntarily.

To Zhang's surprise, these wild-running pigs grew stronger and healthier than those raised in confinement. Their meat was more tender and flavorful due to their natural diet of grasses, leaves, and fruits.

Zhang realized that this method not only improved his business but also created a sustainable future for his farm. With less feed costs (600 yuan per head compared to 900-1000 yuan) and no need for antibiotics or hormones (since they ate natural food), he could sell each pig at a higher price (2000+ yuan) with greater profit margins.

In 2013, Zhang signed an agreement with a company from Wuhan to supply them with 500 heads of running-pigs worth millions of dollars annually. As demand increased beyond what he could personally manage on his own land alone; henceforth founded "Running Pig Professional Cooperative" which is planning further expansion of its scale.

The article concludes that Zhang Yong'an's decision to adopt "running-pig" farming has turned his fortunes around as well as ensuring sustainability through reduced costs while maintaining high-quality output earning him substantial profits leading towards success!
