随着时间流逝,她与Eric相处得越来越多,从而获益良多。她原本以为艺术只属于衣食无忧的人,但见证了Eric如何用双手改变命运,以及他与政府合作免费教土著居民们学习 woodworking 手艺,使她意识到艺术其实可以属于每个人,只要愿意去追求它,就能找到属于自己的位置。
要不是一个85后女孩当起了wood匠,我们恐怕不会看到这样的趣味artwork。但别看只是一个开玩笑的大玩具,它也是精工细作,她要亲手画设计图,亲自在车间做样品。在她的眼里,不同类型 wood 有不同的脾性。樱桃 wood 软,要控制好力度;黑胡桃 wood 质密,没有点劲儿不行。Wood 匠就是 wood 的知己。不加修饰原始 wood 经过季节变化形成自然流畅线条哪怕是疤痕也是美丽外表也许粗糙晦暗,但经 Wood 匠刀削斧砍、磨擦摩挲脱胎换骨变另一种存在,这就是 Wood 工乐趣所在。
以一块盘子为例,一块适宜大小 木 head 用刀挖中心凹形,再沿边缘打坯切掉多余部分,然后就开始耐心慢慢挖掘直至达到想要形状再进行旷日持久耐心磨光。这才算完成了一件作品,而剩下的边角料也不浪费,而是加工成独具纹理和个性的 artware 小案板、书签、名片夹等等,为这些作品赋予独特身份并配上二维码扫描可知谁与你共享了一棵树。
张跃曦醉心优质 木head 希望制造年轻人喜欢、设计感强、创意十足、实用又环保 的original eco-friendly Wood product,同时促进更多人的接触与了解her passion for woodworking. She knew that one person's production capacity and creativity are limited, so she cleverly established an online vertical community called "myWood Original Design" to bring together more craftsmen, designers, and nature lovers. In this community, anyone with ideas can submit their thoughts online, share their creative ideas, tool usage experiences, and raw material information. Zhang Yexi will then select the best ideas from them and put them into production.
For ensuring productivity, Zhang Yexi built a wooden product factory in Shandong Dayang Lake City herself when she became the factory manager.
The story of Zhang Yexi is not just about her journey as a carpenter but also about how she turned her passion into a successful business by embracing innovation and technology while staying true to her roots. Her small yet beautiful approach has made her stand out in the industry.
In addition to running her own workshop and selling products online through crowdfunding campaigns designed by platform designers after modification of samples produced on-site; conducting workshops at home; participating in various competitions such as "1+1 Battle Platform" held by CCTV Finance Channel; winning awards like 13 million yuan prize money from sponsors – all these have contributed significantly towards making Zhang Yexi’s name synonymous with success stories among entrepreneurs worldwide.
She remains humble despite it all - believing that every piece of wood holds its unique charm waiting to be discovered - always looking forward to new opportunities where creativity meets reality.