
  • 诗人
  • 2025年01月25日
  • 大穴牟迟在未成为日本的大国主神之前,被他的异母兄弟们看不起。他们计划与因幡的豪主之女八上比卖结婚,决定一同前往因幡。兄弟们让大穴牟迟背着装满了东西的袋子跟随他们。 brothers then went to the land of Inaba, where they planned to marry off their sister, Ōyamatsumi-hime. They asked


大穴牟迟在未成为日本的大国主神之前,被他的异母兄弟们看不起。他们计划与因幡的豪主之女八上比卖结婚,决定一同前往因幡。兄弟们让大穴牟迟背着装满了东西的袋子跟随他们。 brothers then went to the land of Inaba, where they planned to marry off their sister, Ōyamatsumi-hime. They asked Dajōtenjin-Ōkami to help them cross the sea and reach Inaba.

As they were walking along, they came across a rabbit crying by the side of the road. The rabbit had been stripped of its fur and was in great pain. The brothers sympathized with the rabbit's plight and advised it to go wash itself in the sea and dry itself under a high cliff. However, after following their advice, the rabbit ended up with severe skin burns from being dried out too quickly.

Meanwhile, Dajōtenjin-Ōkami approached them and asked why they were making fun of him. The brothers lied that they were just trying to help an injured animal find relief from its suffering. Enraged by their deceitful behavior, Dajōtenjin-Ōkami cursed them for their cruelty towards all living creatures.

Feeling guilty for what happened earlier on, one brother decided he would rather die than live on as an outcast among his family members who had wronged him so deeply when he learned about his fate from another god named Susanoo-no-Mikoto (須佐能乎尊). He convinced himself that this was no longer worth living through anymore since everyone else knew how badly he'd been treated; therefore I'll choose death over enduring such pain as if I didn't care much about anything at all!

The story goes like this: A man named Ooyamatsumi-Hime marries into a powerful clan but her husband turns out not only cruel but also evil! After learning about his wife’s true nature she tries desperately but fails miserably at changing her heart until finally giving up hope completely - feeling utterly helpless against those kinds of problems – thus becoming even more miserable than before!

On hearing this tale from someone else later down line while wandering around somewhere far away during daytime hours searching for some answers everywhere including within my own mind asking myself many questions yet finding none good enough reasons why things always seem so unfair when life is full speed ahead going fast forward without any brakes or breaks anywhere—like constantly running uphill straight into headwind storms never-endingly falling back behind every step taken forwards—so hard it feels impossible sometimes especially knowing there are people worse off than me doing better just fine

In conclusion we see how bad life can be because some individuals make poor choices leading themselves down dark paths filled with hardship & suffering which leads others around them unhappy too ultimately causing negative outcomes throughout entire lives whether these experiences come directly or indirectly via association etcetera...
