
  • 诗人
  • 2025年01月18日
  • 在清朝乾隆年间,浙江石门县洲泉人吴孟举是一位读书人。他家境富裕,拥有千亩良田,并且官职为内阁中书。然而,他最渴望的不是荣华富贵,而是长生不老的仙术。 听闻苏州民间将四月初八定为“神仙节”,传言这一天天上神仙会下凡一游,吴孟举决心前往苏州探寻这份奇遇。尽管过去无人能见到真正的仙人,只有当地人说:“见仙不识仙,富贵三千年。”但吴孟举并不放弃希望,他要亲眼看看是否真的存在神通广大的仙人们。





他沿街而过,不知不觉来到了八里桥边,这时,一位衣衫褴褛、手持破竹拐杖的叫化子走下桥来。这个叫化子嘴里衔着一枚铜钿,用呼吸节奏发出“嘘、嘘”的声音。被这种模样所吸引的吴孟举紧盯着对方,不断思考,最终突然灵光闪现。他急忙上前向叫化子深鞠一躬。叫化子的反应惊讶,说:“怪哉!怪哉!你怎么对我这样恭敬呢?” 吴孟舉微笑问道:“请问,你可就是吕洞宾?” 叫化子回答说:“这话从何而来?”

Wu Mengju then pointed to the copper coin in the beggar's mouth and said, "The Beggar is Lu Dongbin!" The beggar replied, "So it is. Since we have met today, I shall give you a poem." He used his bamboo cane to write on the railing of the bridge:

My years in Suzhou are countless,

No one knows that I am a divine being.

Only Wu Mengju recognizes me as not belonging to him,

A god from heaven who loves simplicity.

After finishing writing, the beggar disappeared along with his words. Wu Mengju was convinced that he had indeed encountered Lu Dongbin. Returning home, he pondered over Lu Dongbin's poem. He realized that "knowing me as not belonging" meant that although he knew about their divine nature, there was no reason for him to become immortal because he valued wealth more than poverty.

Soon after this encounter, Wu Mengju followed Lu Dongbin's advice and resigned from his official position at court before returning home. Therein he divided up all his land and assets among relatives and neighbors while living a simple life dedicated to reading books and contributing scholarly works. After passing away at an old age, people discovered that despite having ample opportunity for grave robbery due to its location near Marakun Hill (马坑), they found nothing but dust when exhuming Wu Mengjus tomb - testament to how much simpler life became towards end of days.

Thus ends our tale of how even those with great power may be reminded by others of what truly matters in life through chance encounters with kindred spirits such as those experienced during 'Sage Day' celebrations held annually across cities like Suzhou where stories spread quickly between friends both old & new alike!
