3 6岁儿童睡前故事简短小公鸡的吹喇叭奇遇
第四天,小公鸡提前醒来,背上笛子,一路奔波,再次找到大公 chickens。大这回,大公 chicken 准备好了教训他的课程:“当你吹第一遍时,让声音响亮,让所有的村里的雄雉跟着一起吹;当你吹第二遍时,让声音清脆,以此通知人们太阳已经升起;而当你吹第三遍时,让你的声音动听,这样才能让孩子们喜欢你的歌曲。”
这个时候,小 public bird finally listened carefully to the big bird's instructions and practiced diligently. A few days later, he blew his horn so well that when he blew the first time, all the village roosters followed him; when he blew the second time, the sun rose high in the sky; and when he blew the third time, children whistled along with joy as they went to school.
The woodpecker and many other birds celebrated little public bird's success by flying around happily.