
  • 名句
  • 2025年03月09日
  • 第四章:星期天的冒险 皮皮鲁想到YeWai和幻影号好好玩玩,可妈妈却要带他上街买鞋。皮皮鲁不喜欢和妈妈上街。他喜欢逛电器商店、玩具商店和书店,妈妈却喜欢逛服装店。每次和妈妈上街都会发生冲突。 你不去,我买回来,你不是说大就是说小,你自己去试试,省得买了老是退换。mom说。 路过一家银行,mom要进去取钱。皮皮鲁漫不经心地跟着mom走进银行。他讨厌进银行,他觉得这里最没人情味儿,全是金钱交易。






一声炸雷似的吼叫把皮皮鲁从遐想中惊醒过来:都把手放在后脑勺上!面对墙站好!谁不老实就打死谁!!Skinny piggybacked onto the bank's security guard and hid behind him, watching as the robbers entered.

You're not supposed to be here! The guard yelled at Skinny.

I'm with my mom. We came to take out some money. Skinny replied nervously.

The robbers were already in a rush, grabbing handfuls of cash from the tellers' trays. They didn't notice Skinny hiding behind the guard until it was too late.

"Hey, what are you doing?" One of them spotted Skinny and reached for him menacingly.

Skinny froze, his heart pounding wildly in his chest. He couldn't move or speak; all he could do was stare blankly at the robber's hand reaching for him...

"Wait!" Another robber stopped his friend just as he was about to grab Skinny."Let me handle this."

He stepped forward and punched Skinny right on the jaw, sending him flying across the room into a nearby pillar."What is your name?"

"I-I... I'm called Piggy!" stammered out by Skinner under pain..."And you?"

"You shouldn't have followed us," said one of them with a sneer on their face while they continued to laugh evilly."We'll never let anyone get away from us!"

As they began to close in on Piggy again, he suddenly heard something strange coming from outside... It sounded like an engine revving up!

Piggy looked around frantically but saw nothing except for more pillars and rows of chairs scattered throughout this long hallway that seemed endless...

Just then another loud roar echoed through these corridors as if someone had pressed down hard on a button somewhere nearby making it vibrate heavily beneath everyone's feet...

Piggy felt something strange happening inside himself... He began feeling hotter than ever before until sweat started pouring down over every inch of his body... His hands turned red because they were burning so badly that even when trying not really touching anything else than those white tiles covering most parts where people usually sit or stand near counters etc., there would still be an intense heat coming off them which made everything feel much warmer than usual around there...

This kept going till finally after what seemed like hours later (it might've only been seconds though due how fast things happened) - Piggy realized he had changed completely: no longer did any part within himself feel hot anymore nor did any part hurt anywhere else either; instead now each single piece inside moved freely without restriction & felt normal once again despite being surrounded by danger all around me especially since I'd seen others die right next door during our escape earlier today!!!
