
  • 名句
  • 2025年03月08日
  • 从前有一根织补衣服的针。作为一根织补针来说,她倒还算细巧,因此她就想象自己是一根绣花针。 “请你们注意你们现在拿着的这东西吧!”她对那几个取她出来的手指说。“你们不要把我失掉!我一落到地上去,你们就决不会找到我的,因为我是那么细呀!” “细就细好了,”手指说。它们把她拦腰紧紧地捏住。 “你看,我还带着随从啦!”她说。她后面拖着一根长线,不过线上并没有打结。 手指正把这根针钉着女厨子的一只拖鞋










于是我心里笑了——当a root needle in the social fabric, smiling and proud of my position, even though no one can see my external expression. I am held high, as if I were sitting in a car, looking left and right.

“Please permit me to ask: Are you made of gold?” she asked the safety pin next to her. “You have a very nice face and your own head — just a little small. You need to make it bigger before you become one because wax will not drip onto every needle’s point.”

The sewing needle was very proud of herself, but she ended up falling into the kitchen sink full of dirty water.

“I want to go traveling now,” said the sewing needle. “I only hope I don’t get lost!”

But she got lost anyway.

“In this world,” she said when she reached the drainpipe, “I am too fine.” However, knowing her identity brought her some comfort!

So the sewing needle continued with pride while maintaining her self-satisfied attitude. Many different things floated past her: crumbs from bread; leaves; torn pieces of newspaper...

"Look how quickly they float by!" said the sewing needle. "They don't know there's something underneath! I'm here; I sit firmly here! Watch out for a stick that floats by thinking it's all there is in this world! It thinks so highly of itself but might bump into a stone any moment! A piece of paper floats by with something printed on it that people have already forgotten about but still spreads its wings proudly...
