


突然,他看到十二个高个子的粗暴的人朝他走来,他以为他们是强盗,所以把车子推进灌木丛中 himself climbed a tree, waiting to see what would happen.

The twelve men went towards the mountain peak, shouting "Open sesame!" The mountain suddenly split open, and they walked in. After they had all gone inside, the mountain door closed again. Then it opened once more, and the men came out with heavy bags on their shoulders.

They returned to the bright light of day. One of them said "Close sesame!" The mountain door closed again without leaving any trace. Then they disappeared from sight.

After that, this poor brother climbed down from the tree. He was amazed at what he had seen in that mountain. He decided to climb up and shout "Open sesame!" The mountain opened for him too.

Inside the mountain were vast spaces filled with gold and silver treasures shining brightly. This poor man was confused - should he take some treasure? In the end, he filled his pockets with gold but left other precious things behind.

He called out "Close sesame!" as he left, and the mountain door closed once more.

From then on, this poor man lived happily ever after without worrying about making a living or borrowing money from his rich brother anymore. But whenever his wealth ran out (which it often did), he would go back to borrow another basket from his brother - never taking anything valuable away though!

Later on when his wealth dwindled again (as it always seemed to do), this time around when he asked for another basket; instead of telling him straight off like before; instead I told him that I needed an empty bucket not just any old thing! And so my dear friend let me use your own words here: you took your own sweet time getting back around full circle back where we started...
