
  • 名句
  • 2025年02月19日
  • 在一片繁茂的自然景观中,一个名为“很多人的咖啡馆”的奇迹诞生了。这不仅是一家普通的咖啡馆,而是一个由78位年轻股东共同创办、梦想与汗水交织而成的企业。 故事始于2011年的1月7日,当时蚊二妞在网上发布了一条极具吸引力的帖子——“用2000块钱来开咖啡馆吧!”这条帖子很快引起了众多网友的关注和支持。尽管有质疑声,但也有人分享着同样的梦想,最终,有140多人报名参与,超出了最初预期




shareholders, who were mostly young and inexperienced in business, came together to overcome the challenges of running a coffee shop. They formed various working groups to handle different aspects of the business, such as marketing, product development, and administration.

The group's operations manager, Zhao Shanjun (aka "Mo Ke GG"), played a crucial role in guiding the team. Although he chose not to become a shareholder himself, Mo Ke GG brought his experience from managing a bookshop to help the group navigate the complexities of running a coffee shop.

The cafe quickly became popular among local students due to its unique atmosphere and creative activities. The shareholders continued to brainstorm new ideas for events and promotions, aiming to create a platform where customers could express their creativity and connect with like-minded individuals.

Despite facing numerous challenges during its early days – including disagreements on decor styles and high costs for rent – the cafe persevered through teamwork and determination. The shareholders learned valuable lessons about communication, collaboration, and adaptability along the way.

As time passed by,"Many People's Coffee Shop" expanded its reach by hosting more events catering specifically towards university students. Their goal was not only to generate revenue but also foster an environment that inspired creativity among young people.

In conclusion,"Many People's Coffee Shop" is more than just an ordinary coffee shop; it represents the collective dream of 78 passionate individuals who dared challenge conventional norms by turning their shared vision into reality amidst nature's embrace.
