
  • 名句
  • 2025年02月19日
  • 有个柴夫叫大牛,终年靠打柴为生。一天,大牛在砍柴的路上,无意间看见一颗蛋,他捡起来一看,这小蛋白生生,亮滑滑的,便把它揣在怀里,带回了家。回到家后,大牛觉得怀里有什么东西动了一下,往怀里一看,竟然有一条白花小蛇。大牛就编了个草窝,把白花蛇放在里面精心饲养起来。过了几个月,小蛇慢慢长大了。 一天,大牛砍柴回家,往草窝里一看,小白花蛇竟然不见了。当天晚上,大牛躺在床上,思念着小蛇,好久了才睡着。突然



一天,大牛砍柴回家,往草窝里一看,小白花蛇竟然不见了。当天晚上,大牛躺在床上,思念着小蛇,好久了才睡着。突然,在睡梦中他看见那条白花蛇向他溜来,他心想:原来你在这里,让我找得好苦啊!不料白花蛇抬起头突然对他说:“我是Snake King's daughter, thank you for hatching me out. I can't repay your kindness, please wait for me at the fork of the big mountain road tomorrow afternoon.” Big Ox was so surprised that the snake had disappeared before his eyes, only to be a dream.

The next day, Big Ox came to the fork of the big mountain road and saw a girl dressed in white. Overjoyed, Big Ox quickly bowed down and asked: “Who are you?” The girl replied: “I am called Bai Li, from Snake Mountain. We have an appointment last night.” So they happily married each other in the wilderness.

But soon Bai Li became restless and said to Big Ox: “I originally come from Snake Mountain. To repay your kindness, I came here with you. Now my time away is already very long but I don't want to leave you.” Big Ox agreed to accompany her back home.

After returning home with Bai Li, she introduced him to her father Snake King who was shocked by their union as he had planned for his daughter to marry Dragon King's prince instead. He decided secretly that if he killed Big Ox and then allowed his daughter to marry Dragon King’s prince again this would satisfy his wish.

Next day Snake King ordered Big Ox: "Today after lunch go dig up some bamboo shoots behind our house!"

Big Ox told Bai Li about this task but she warned him that these bamboo were actually a giant python under control by her father; anyone touching them would die! So she taught him how not touch them directly while cutting through their roots three times clockwise and once counterclockwise before striking with an axe which made it fall down without hurting himself or others around.

Another day Snake King set another trap saying: "Tomorrow morning take ten bags of sesame seeds into our new field." But when asked by Bai Li how he could avoid being bitten by ants which were living inside those sesame seeds since 200 years ago if touched or eaten causing instant death , both got cold sweat on hearing such dreadful news . Yet after knowing what danger lay ahead , White Lily whispered some advice into his ear which made everything turn joyful rather than fearful .

Finally one more trap was set up where snake king requested all ten bags of sesame seed should be spread evenly over newly planted fields . But when told about deadly ants hiding within those precious seeds - also two hundred years old - residing deep within every single grain - even thinking about it chilled blood in veins ; yet finally found peace upon learning secret ways shared between husband & wife duo .

At last return home as ordered , spreading all sesame like raindrops fell evenly across land while collecting them back without any damage left behind due skillful work done together as man & wife teaming up against evil plans laid out against innocent lives seeking happiness through love despite societal norms prohibiting unions between humans & reptiles alike throughout history till end times now known forevermore among legends passed down generations henceforth until final curtain call falls shut door on storybook chapter ending tale heard loud clear echoing voices chanting chorus : Love Conquers All !
