
  • 名句
  • 2025年02月16日
  • 段五郎接到了研究所所长小岛博士的紧急电话。小岛博士声音颤抖,告诉他自己收到了一个恐吓电话,要求他必须交出一份绝密文件,否则将面临生命危险。段五郎立即意识到这可能是一场高级骗局,但他也知道不能忽视这种情况。 晚上8点,段五郎准时赶到小岛家中。按了门铃后,他等待了一会儿,但没有回应。他试着推门,却发现房门开着,小岛博士昏倒在沙发下面。一旁有一块散发着药味的手帕,这让段五郎心生疑惑。 “发生了什么







“我大概30分钟前听到门铃响起,我以为是你来了。但当我打开门时,被两个男人用枪顶住,我不得不把那份文件给他们。” 小岛看了一眼手表接着说道,“之后,他们用手帕堵住我的嘴和鼻子,我就什么也不知道了。”

随后, Segment Five discovered that the apple was still intact, and there was no sign of struggle or forced entry. He realized that something wasn't right.

"Dr. Isobe," he said calmly, "I think you're the one who sold us out."

Isobe's face turned white as he stared at Segment Five in disbelief.

"I... I couldn't have done it!" he protested weakly.

"You didn't need to," Segment Five replied with a cold smile. "You simply had to make it look like someone else did."

Segment Five then revealed his reasoning: the apple on the floor hadn't turned brown yet, indicating that it had been bitten into recently but not long enough for oxidation to occur. This meant that Isobe must have staged the whole thing himself after all.

As if realizing his mistake, Isobe slumped forward, defeated. He handed over a large package of cash hidden in his refrigerator freezer.

Segment Five finally solved the case by using deductive reasoning based on an unexpected detail - an unripe apple left behind by Isobe during his supposed kidnapping scene.
