
  • 名句
  • 2025年01月30日
  • 老王是一名炼尸工人,他最近几天都没有接到活儿,于是他闲着无事,就开始喝起了小酒。随着夜色越来越深,一道亮光透过门缝照进了房间,一个二十岁左右的年轻男子走了进来。这位年轻人长得清秀而又白净,有一颗左眼角的泪痣。老王打量着这位新来的客人,然后问道:“你是谁?为什么会来这里?”年轻人笑眯眯地回答说:“我叫人叔,是新来的员工,我想先熟悉一下这个环境。”听完他的话,老王 pours himself


老王是一名炼尸工人,他最近几天都没有接到活儿,于是他闲着无事,就开始喝起了小酒。随着夜色越来越深,一道亮光透过门缝照进了房间,一个二十岁左右的年轻男子走了进来。这位年轻人长得清秀而又白净,有一颗左眼角的泪痣。老王打量着这位新来的客人,然后问道:“你是谁?为什么会来这里?”年轻人笑眯眯地回答说:“我叫人叔,是新来的员工,我想先熟悉一下这个环境。”听完他的话,老王 pours himself another glass of liquor, saying, “Nowadays, the work is getting less and less, and this job isn't very appealing anymore.” After hearing old Wang's words, the young man smiled politely and turned to leave.

The next day at work, old Wang discovered a corpse covered in white sheets in his living room. His colleague Little Liu approached him and said with a smile, "Looks like we've got some work to do! The new guy must have arrived early today." Old Wang felt a sense of familiarity in these words. He slowly lifted the sheet to reveal that it was indeed the same young man he had met the night before - with one tear drop under his left eye corner.

