
  • 名句
  • 2024年12月04日
  • 篇一:我有一个新想法 快过生日了!我们一家人正在讨论我的生日该怎样过。 妈妈说:“小林,你不是想要一个滑板吗?妈妈给你买一个吧。”爸爸说:“是啊,上次你不是还看上一个篮球吗?”奶奶说:“你想要什么,奶奶都会满足你。” 这些都是我以前想要的,但这次我想要一个有意义的礼物。 我说:“爸爸、妈妈、奶奶,我想好我要的礼物了!他们都问:“什么呀?”我说:“上次我在《走进西部》这个纪录片里看到


篇一:我有一个新想法 快过生日了!我们一家人正在讨论我的生日该怎样过。 妈妈说:“小林,你不是想要一个滑板吗?妈妈给你买一个吧。”爸爸说:“是啊,上次你不是还看上一个篮球吗?”奶奶说:“你想要什么,奶奶都会满足你。” 这些都是我以前想要的,但这次我想要一个有意义的礼物。 我说:“爸爸、妈妈、奶奶,我想好我要的礼物了!他们都问:“什么呀?”我说:“上次我在《走进西部》这个纪录片里看到,和我一样大的小朋友穿的衣服都很破旧。所以这次我想让你们把给我买礼物的钱捐给他们,让他们也能够穿着新衣服去上学。” 爸爸妈妈听到后,一起夸赞我长大了,懂事了。 表明这个想法得到了大家 奶奶说:“真是好孩子! 总评:本篇习作先简单介绍了事由,然后详写了家人对“我”的承诺以及“我”后面做的决定,最后以家人的夸奖结尾,简单明了。小作者在有限的篇里,将事情讲清楚,将道理摆正确,值得我们借鉴。

篇二:I Have an Idea in the Orchard

In our orchard, we often find pests drilling into tree trunks or ripe fruits. To protect the fruit forest, farmers have to constantly spray pesticides, which results in high costs and people being wary of consuming them due to excessive pesticide residues. (Directly point out my discovery)

Nature has given us many inspirations; airplanes were invented based on dragonflies, and boats shaped like whales were created after observing sea creatures. So I wonder: why not imitate the beak of a woodpecker and the tongue of an ant-eater to manufacture a lightweight pest control device? (Transitional passage: Write about nature's inspiration for me, leading to my idea.)

In this pest control machine, we can install a computer chip. This way, it can accurately detect diseased trees. Then, when you press a red button on the handlebar-shaped device with hooks similar to a woodpecker's beak but smaller and more precise than any ordinary tool or drill bit used by humans - it will make an extremely small hole in the tree trunk that is just large enough for its sharp hook-like mouthpiece to grab onto something inside.

Review: The young author first talks about common phenomenon in orchards then presents his idea based on nature's wisdom from observing birds pecking at insects with their beaks. The transition is natural and imaginative; it makes sense.


