
  • 名句
  • 2024年11月03日
  • 在一片翠绿的树林中,孩子们手拉手,围坐在老师身边,他们正在学习一门古老而神秘的艺术——中国古诗。这些小小的学子们,用他们那纯真的眼睛和无比的好奇心,对着那些千百年前的字句进行了深刻的探索。 "老师,我们为什么要学古诗?" 小明提出了一个问题,这个问题在每个孩子的心里都有答案,但又似乎没有答案。在这个快节奏、高科技发展的时代,人们往往忽略了与大自然沟通、感受生活美好的本能



"老师,我们为什么要学古诗?" 小明提出了一个问题,这个问题在每个孩子的心里都有答案,但又似乎没有答案。在这个快节奏、高科技发展的时代,人们往往忽略了与大自然沟通、感受生活美好的本能。而通过学习古诗,这些孩子们不仅能够接触到传统文化,更能够培养自己的审美能力和情感智慧。






秋天 arrives with the fall of leaves, a season that brings both melancholy and beauty. "黄叶铺金路,寒蝉鸣泣声。”(宋·范仲淹《岳阳楼记》) The children are fascinated by the vibrant colors of the changing leaves, and they begin to understand the concept of impermanence.

Winter brings snowflakes gently falling from the sky, each one unique and delicate. "雪泥鸿飞相伴去,无意苦留东风面。”(宋·苏轼《江城子·密州出猎》) The children marvel at the beauty of nature's canvas, painted with white strokes.

As they learn these poems line by line, their understanding deepens. They realize that ancient poets were not just writing about things; they were describing emotions and experiences that connected them all - joy in springtime blooming flowers; peace in summer's long days; melancholy in autumn's falling leaves; and tranquility in winter's snowfall.

These young scholars have become little literary critics themselves. They analyze every word choice, every metaphorical expression. Their discussions are filled with laughter as they try to find hidden meanings behind seemingly simple words.

Their love for poetry has grown exponentially as they explore more verses together:

"The moon is bright,

The night is still.

In this moment,

I am free." (Li Bai)

"I don't want any gifts,

Just let me see your face."

(Cui Hao)

They find solace in these lines during their own struggles or when facing challenges at home or school. Poetry becomes a source of comfort for them as it reminds them to appreciate life’s simple joys amidst life’s complexities.

Through this journey into China’s rich poetic heritage, these young minds have discovered new ways to express themselves while developing an appreciation for literature and art beyond what they ever thought possible before entering kindergarten age five years old!
