
  • 历史
  • 2025年03月14日
  • 李克,一个经历过三次创业失败的80后大学生,最终找到了他的成功之路——家电清洗。在短短三年时间内,这家公司从最初的2万元投资迅速增长到数百万元。最近,李克向记者分享了他创业过程中的辛酸与快乐、经验与教训。 目标:在股市上市 2006年,李克创立了郑州蓝清科技有限公司(以下简称蓝清)。到2009年,公司营业额已经突破300万元,净利润超过150万元






“比如郑州移动公司、中国电信河南分公司以及河南省委、小浪底枢纽管理局等多个单位都是我们的客户,他们内部有交换机和移动基站容易积聚灰尘通过我们的一些专业服务,可以防止设备故障提高效率。”对于已经尝试甜头的李克来说,这是一个竞争不多的领域。此时,他对蓝 清未来的规划已然开始构思。


三年内,公司地址更换了三次,每一次代表着不同的阶段,从居民楼到有些老旧办公楼,再至于现在位于繁华郑州国贸中心22层。一位站在自己的办公室里的 李 克回顾这六年的创业道路,无疑充满了悲欢参半的情感。




就在茶餐厅运营兴隆之际,一位提着80万元的人物出现希望合作经营茶餐厅。但随着时间推移两人经营理念不同,那个人也展现出强烈占有欲。慢慢地 李 克发现自己被排斥,不再是事实上的掌控者,而生意日渐冷淡终于有一天,他拿出当天300元净收入离开。他承认,当时没有签订合伙协议,只凭单纯的心愿而已。而这次失败让他的所有资产化为乌有每天大把头发掉光煎熬与委屈填满这个脆弱的心灵


Lee said, "If you find the road is not right, it's best to admit defeat and start saving time." He continued his journey in a new direction after taking a break. One day, he stumbled upon an article about residents seeking home appliance cleaning services. This sparked his interest as he saw potential for growth in this field.

After researching the industry trends and conducting market research on-site, Lee decided to dive into learning about household appliances' internal structures and maintenance techniques. After half a year of hard work and dedication, he had developed a project idea with technical expertise.

In 2006, Blue Clean began operations with just three employees under Lee's guidance. They worked tirelessly during the day to market their services door-to-door in hot sun or rain at night they studied marketing materials to improve their skills constantly.

The first sale came when they cleaned 40 air conditioners from one client though small but gave them confidence that their business idea was viable!

Entrepreneurial path still ahead

To survive through tough times early on Lee kept costs low so that blue clean could weather the initial challenges effectively before scaling up later on. He loved quoting: "Most entrepreneurs sacrifice themselves just before success because they haven't gone far enough."

Lee said: "Now Blue Clean has become one of the top companies in our province; by forty I will definitely make my dream come true – becoming listed on stock exchange!" However there are obstacles ahead for him too since 2008 things have changed rapidly with rapid growth but also increased workload making him busy almost all day long even having no chance for spring festival celebration due to illness diagnosed as 'overwork'.

Li Ke continues walking along his entrepreneurial journey filled with difficulties hope disappointments surprises & unexpected turns while working towards creating a successful legacy!