于是she心里笑了——当一root needle in the social scene when she is smiling, people are unable to see her external expression. She hangs there, looking very proud, as if she were sitting in a car, left and right.
“请准许me ask one question: Are you made of gold?” she asked the safety pin next to her.
“You have a very nice face and your own brain — just a little bit smaller. You need to make it grow bigger so that you can become something because wax will not drip onto every needle point.”
The sewing needle was very proud of herself and stood up straight, but ended up falling off the handkerchief and all the way down into the kitchen sink where water was being washed away.
“I am going on a journey now,” said the sewing needle. “I only hope I do not get lost!”
But she did get lost.
“In this world,” she said as she reached the drain pipe, “I am too thin.”
However, knowing her identity brought some small comfort to her.
So many different things floated past her: food scraps, grass leaves, old newspaper fragments.
“Look how fast they are moving!” said the sewing needle. “They don't know what's beneath them! I'm here; I'm firmly seated here! Look at that stick floating by; it thinks there's nothing else in this world except for sticks. It's like that! A piece of grass floats by; look at its twisting waist and spinning around shape! Don't think you're so great; you can easily bump into a rock! A broken newspaper floats over—what it prints has been forgotten by everyone but it still spreads out with an air of confidence.”
A day later something lay beside her—a thing emitting beautiful light. The sewing needle thought it was a diamond gemstone though actually it was just bottle glass pieces because they shone brightly so she talked to them introducing herself as an embroidery floss thread holder (a kind of decorative accessory worn on shirt collars).
"I think you're a diamond?" She said
"Ah yes," replied bottle shards "that sort."
Thus both sides believed themselves valuable items began talking discussing saying people usually believe themselves extremely important.
"I once lived inside a lady's box," said another group member (the embroidery floss) "This lady is also an apprentice cook."
"They never saw anything prouder than those five fingers," Sewing Needle continued "but their purpose is merely holding me taking me out from or putting back into my box."
"Can they shine too?" Bottle Shards asked
"Not shining at all!" Sewing Needle laughed sarcastically "just full of self-importance." They belong to finger family - five brothers each representing one finger - thumb which doesn’t grip well hence called 'thumb', index finger which often reaches into jars for jam therefore named 'jelly jar' 4th finger adorned with rings hence known as ring-finger while fifth named Billie Boyfriend due to its role playing games with girls who play alone-though he’s not always happy about his name-and acts rather possessively towards these girls especially when other boys approach them even if unknowingly his friends call him Finger instead 5th digit plays no part since others are enough-they tag-team work together-their parts differ length-wise-so thus making them diverse-inseparable-but utterly unremarkable within society outside their close-knit circle-of-five..