
  • 历史
  • 2025年03月09日
  • 从前,在一个遥远的越南村落里,有个外号叫“骗人精”的小男孩。他聪明过人,但却把他的智慧用来说谎和捉弄人。周围的人几乎都曾经受过他的欺骗,连他父母去世后由叔叔婶婶抚养大的他也不例外。 一天,叔叔去田野工作,而婶婶在家忙着做家务。骗人精见机不可失,又想出了一招恶作剧。他悄无声息地溜出了家门,跑到田野喊道:“叔叔,快回家!婶婶从梯子上摔下来了,我不知如何是好。” Uncle rushed back



一天,叔叔去田野工作,而婶婶在家忙着做家务。骗人精见机不可失,又想出了一招恶作剧。他悄无声息地溜出了家门,跑到田野喊道:“叔叔,快回家!婶婶从梯子上摔下来了,我不知如何是好。” Uncle rushed back home, leaving the boy to return ahead of him.

When Uncle arrived, he found the boy waiting for him. "Uncle, Uncle! Auntie has fallen from the ladder and is bleeding badly," he said. He hadn't finished speaking when Auntie came running out of the house.

The boy watched her go with a wicked grin on his face. He knew she would soon learn that it was all a ruse. Sure enough, Auntie soon returned with Uncle in tow, only to find their nephew playing another trick on them.

Exasperated but also amused by his cunning ways, they decided to teach him a lesson. They put him in a large bamboo basket and left him there until sunset before planning to toss him into the river as punishment for his mischievous behavior.

However, just as they were about to carry out their threat, the boy begged them for one final favor: let him bring along a book called 《Ruse》 that he had secretly hidden behind a pile of rice in their storage room. Curiosity got the better of them; they agreed and went back home to fetch the book while leaving an open basket at riverside where their nephew was held captive.

While waiting in silence inside the basket for an opportunity to escape through its narrow gaps between woven bamboo slats below his feet or under it above head level around neck region (where you can see more clearly), suddenly heard footsteps approaching – someone coming towards this place! It sounded like many people rushing towards here... Then I saw my uncle's face appearing above me looking very angry indeed!