于是我心里笑了——当一个root needle in social scene笑的时候,人们是没有办法看到她的外部表情的。她别在那儿,显得很骄傲,就像she is sitting in a car, looking around with pride.
“我可以问您这样吗?您是金子做的吗?” she asked the button next to her. “You have a very nice face, your own head — just a little small. You need to make it bigger before you can be one of us because wax won’t drip onto every needle.”
The sewing needle was very proud and stood up straight, but ended up falling off the handkerchief and into the dirty water gutter.
“I am going on a journey now,” said the sewing needle. “I only hope I don't get lost!”
But she did get lost.
“I am too thin for this world,” she said when she reached the gutter. “However, I know who I am and that's some comfort!”
So the sewing needle continued to maintain her proud attitude while not losing her sense of self-importance. Many different things floated past her: crumbs from food, grass leaves, torn pieces of newspaper.
“Look how fast they go!” said the sewing needle. “They don't know there's something else down here! I'm right here; I'm sitting firmly here! Look at that stick floating by; it thinks there's nothing else in this world except sticks like itself! It's just such an arrogant thing! A piece of grass floats by; it twirls its waist and turns around so pretentiously! Don't think you're great because you'll easily bump into a rock or something! A broken newspaper floats by; it has forgotten what was printed on it long ago but still spreads out proudly as if everything were new again...”
One day something lay beside her that shone beautifully. The sewing needle thought it was a diamond but actually it was a piece of glass from a bottle because it glowed so brightly. She introduced herself as an ornament pin to him believing he too must be valuable since he shone so brightly.
"I once lived in a lady’s box," said the sewing needle."This lady is cookery worker girl with five fingers on each hand.I've never seen such proud hands though their work is only picking me up from one place or another."
"Can they also shine?" asked bottle fragment?
"No shining!" replied "Sewing Needle", "just thinking themselves important.Their family consists of five brothers all belonging to finger clan.All are bragging about themselves although unevenly tall:the first one called 'Dumb Finger' for being slow at handling objects;the second called 'Snack Bottle' for reaching into jam jars for snacks;the fourth wore rings hence nicknamed 'Longy';and fifth known as Bill—Playmate".
Thus began an adventure through various layers of society where needles were used interchangeably - sometimes sewed clothes together while other times decorated them - reflecting their roles within different societies based upon human perception.
Confidence: 95%