在古代的一个小村庄里,住着一个叫做卖油郎的年轻人。他每天挑着担子走街串巷,出售家乡酿造的优质油。由于家境贫寒,他尚未娶妻。但是,他有一个爱好,那就是欣赏美术。有一次,在路上,他偶然发现了一幅画,这幅画描绘的是一位亭亭玉立的女子, sells oil to buy it.
一次偶然之间,卖油郎竟意外发现了厨房里的秘密。一连几天,一份接一份香气四溢、色香味俱佳的小吃不断出现在他的餐桌上。他以为邻居大娘见到他孤独,便慈善地为他准备,但邻居大娘否认了这一点。面对这样的谜团,卖 oil to uncover the truth.
sell oil and help her with household chores. Their life became more harmonious than ever before. However, the woman still occasionally glanced at the painting, which made sell oil worry that she might return to it.
After years of marriage, they had two adorable children. As time passed, their children grew up and eventually forgot about the old painting. One day, while cleaning up their home, the woman stumbled upon that old painting and decided to hang it back on the wall.
Sell oil returned from work one day but couldn't find his wife anywhere in their home or neighborhood. He searched high and low but couldn't locate her until he suddenly remembered where he last saw her - near that old painting.
He opened a box hidden away in a corner of his room only to find an empty space where once lay a beautiful portrait of his beloved wife - now gone for good.
It was later discovered that she was actually a spirit who had been trapped within this very picture for centuries past. She had come into this world as a form of repayment for some unknown reason long ago.
The story concludes with both husband and wife reuniting in another realm after many years apart due to fate's cruel hand playing tricks on them all along; leaving behind memories forever etched onto each other's hearts like fine ink stains on parchment paper!