
  • 历史
  • 2025年01月14日
  • 在一个寒冷的冬日,老爷子家的炉火烧得微弱,他坐在炕上打了个哈欠。外面传来了熟悉的声音,那是卖炭翁带着煤块小心翼翼地爬上楼梯。 “来啦,老爷子!新来的好炭,一定能让您的家更暖和些。”卖炭翁一边说着,一边将煤块放到了炉子旁。 老爷子抬头看去,只见那是一脸笑容的中年汉子,手里拿着一个木桶,上面盖着几层破布。他知道这个时候,卖炭翁已经是他家必不可少的人物之一了。 “哎呀,这回的煤又贵了啊









sells coal, and he knows that the price of charcoal has risen sharply this year. He also knows that without these hardworking people like him, many families would be unable to afford the warmth they need during the cold winter months.

As he watches the man carefully carry his heavy load up the stairs, Old Master feels a sense of gratitude towards him. Without people like Sell Coal, his family would not have been able to keep warm in such harsh weather conditions.

"Ah, it's really expensive this time!" Old Master says with a sigh, but there is no hiding the relief in his voice. Every year at this time, he has to set aside a portion of their budget for fuel - wood or charcoal - to keep their home warm and safe from harm.

The man nods sympathetically as he sets down his basket full of black lumps on the floor beside Old Master's stove. "I know it is," he says gently. "But I can assure you that these are good quality coals and will burn well while saving you money."

Old Master looks at those seemingly ordinary yet solid-looking pieces of coal with newfound respect for those who work tirelessly under all kinds of weather conditions just so that they can provide warmth for others. And now more than ever before - especially during these long winters when everything seems so bleak and cold outside - we need people like Sell Coal who go out into all sorts of bad weather every day just so we can stay warm inside our homes where it's cozy and safe.

"Yes," Old Master agrees thoughtfully as he hands over some coins from his pocketbook." Here’s something upfront then; your hard work doesn’t go unnoticed."

And with another nod from both parties they part ways once again until next time when Sell Coal comes back around selling more charcoal to help them through another difficult winter season together by keeping their fires burning brightly within their homes against any other dangers lurking outside waiting patiently for its chance strike while everyone stays safely tucked away inside where they belong safest place possible: right here inside my own house!