
  • 历史
  • 2024年12月31日
  • 在那片悠长的清江边,李白笔下的《唐诗三百首》如同一曲永不落幕的流年之歌。每当黄昏时分,夕阳西下,余晖洒满江水,那些情感奔腾、意境遐想的诗句仿佛也随着轻柔的河风飘散开来。 李白这位古代伟大的浪漫主义者,以其超凡脱俗的情怀和卓绝无比的文学才华,为后世留下了宝贵的一笔文化遗产。在他笔下的世界,每一行字都透露出对美好生活向往与渴望,对自由灵魂追求与憧憬。那些充满豪放与深邃意味的文字




《清江引》的最后几句“黄莺乱啼门外柳,雨细清明后。能消几日春,又是相思瘦。” seemed to be a echo of the poet's own longing for his beloved. The image of the yellow orioles singing in front of the door, amidst the gentle rain after Qingming Festival, is so vivid and touching that it can easily evoke a sense of melancholy and nostalgia in readers.

The poem not only reflects the beauty of nature but also conveys a deeper sense of human emotions. It is as if Li Bai has taken us on a journey through time and space, allowing us to experience his feelings and thoughts firsthand. His poetry transcends time and space, speaking directly to our hearts.

In this modern age where technology dominates our lives, it's refreshing to find solace in Li Bai's poetic world. His works remind us that no matter how fast-paced our lives may be, there is always room for reflection, contemplation and appreciation for the simple things in life.

So let us take a moment to appreciate Li Bai's masterpiece – Clear River Sketch - along with his other 299 Tang poems. Let their timeless beauty inspire us to cherish every moment we have today.