“君子喻于义,小人喻于利。” —— 《论语·里仁》
“天地不仁,以万物为刍狗。” —— 《老子·道德经》
“滴水穿石,不积跬步,无以至千里.” —— 《孟子·离娄下》
“士者,礼也;儒者,学也。” —— 《论语·里仁》
“知之为知之,不知为不知,是可矣。” —— 《论语·述而》
11."四海之内皆 brother 也。"
17"燕然未妥had already passed, the Emperor had ordered Li Shangyin to return north with his troops."
22"The moon is so bright on this night; it seems as if one could reach out and touch it with a rake."
23"When will you come back? The autumn wind is blowing, and the maple leaves are falling like rain."
24"The moonlight casts shadows of trees on the ground below; I am in a melancholy mood tonight, thinking of my distant home far away from here."
25"We have been separated for many years now; how can we bear to meet again?"
26"I miss you every day since we parted ways; only when I drink wine can I forget about you for a while."
27"If only there were more people like me in this world who would understand your feelings just as well as I do..."
28"It's not that he doesn't love her any more, but that he has grown tired of loving her without being loved back by her at all."
29"The tears fall down my cheeks like raindrops after an autumn shower; they cannot be wiped away even though I try to dry them up with my sleeves."
30"My heart beats fast whenever she appears before me, just like thunder rumbles in the sky during an approaching storm..."
31"There are times when loneliness feels so overwhelming that even the most beautiful scenery fails to lift our spirits up..."
32"Why should one bother about anything else when life itself is such a fleeting dream?"
33"Just let us cherish each moment spent together now, for tomorrow may never come at all..."
34"How much longer must we endure these long nights filled with nothing but sorrowful memories?"
35"What good would it be if wealth were abundant and happiness was within reach yet still eluded us?"
36"In this vast universe where countless stars twinkle brightly at night..."