
  • 古诗
  • 2025年03月06日
  • 阿耳戈英雄们踏上了新的征途。最初,西北风阻挡了他们的航行,连续十天,他们无法前进,只有向十二位神灵祈求并进行祭祀后,风才渐渐减弱,他们得以继续航行。随着一阵巨响传来,那是两座巨大的撞岩相互碰撞的声音,伴随着海岸上的轰鸣和海浪的咆哮声。提费斯稳定地掌舵,而奥菲乌摩斯从船内站起,用手托起了一只鸽子。这只鸽子若能无畏地飞过两座撞岩间,就意味着他们可以放心前进。在两座巨岩刚合时,奥菲乌摩斯释放了鸽子




"这不是我们力量所致,而是雅典娜帮助我们的一臂之力!现在,我们将不会再恐惧,因为菲纽斯预言,如果我们遇到其他险境,都能轻易克服!" 提费斯大声说。但伊阿宋悲伤地摇头说:“我啊,当珀利阿斯说服我承担这一任务,我确实为神衹们带来了麻烦。我宁愿被他剁成碎片!现在每晚都为你们的生命担忧。我是否能够带领你们平安回家?”





英雄们称赞这是一个好主意,全都照他的发起做了。当他们临近远洋岛并撞击矛盾收回一阵轰轰声音,无数受惊吓的鸟儿从岸边飞起像乌云一样掠过boat, Argo's heroes protected themselves with their shields, the sharp feathers falling like a storm but unable to harm them. These terrifying birds flew over the sea and disappeared on the opposite shore. Argo's heroes landed on the island.

Here they unexpectedly encountered friends and allies. They walked only a few steps before meeting four ragged young men approaching them. One of them hurried towards them, greeting and begging for help: "Dear strangers, whoever you are, please help us these wretched castaways! Give us some clothes to wear and some food to eat!"

Iason agreed to help them kindly and asked about their names and backgrounds. "Surely you've heard of Phrixus," one of the young men replied, "the son of Atamasus and Nephele? He brought back gold fleeces from Colchis." This is what happened next:

After hearing this story, Iason was overjoyed because his great-grandfather Atamasus was Phrixus' brother-in-law.

The four boys continued telling how they had set sail in search of treasure according to their father's will after he died at sea; how they had been shipwrecked in an unknown land; how they had clung together as a group for safety until rescued by Iason himself; how they were now eager join him on his quest for golden fleece.

As night fell that day,

they reached the mouth of the river Phasis where it flows into the Black Sea. A few people climbed up onto masts or hauled down sails while others used oars to push against current that seemed intent on blocking their way forward as if afraid even water itself would not let them pass through its narrow confines along both sides - high peaks towering above from Colchis' city Kitesia (or Kotys) rightward beyond wide open plains stretching toward sacred grove under protection by a monstrous dragon guarding precious golden fleece suspended among tree tops there where Jason stood up again holding cup filled with wine readying himself for further adventure ahead...
