sells charcoal in the village. The name "Sells Charcoal" comes from their hard work in selling charcoal, especially during winter when people need more wood to keep warm.
The Li family's ancestors were originally farmers, but as the times changed and land distribution decreased their means of livelihood. They began to peel tree bark and cut small branches from the forest, then processed them into charcoal. At first, this was just a way to supplement their income, but over time it became a stable job.
As they grew older and wiser, they passed on their knowledge to younger generations. Their children learned how to carefully select trees for burning without harming the environment or damaging nearby vegetation. They also mastered various techniques for drying and shaping the charcoal into perfect cubes that could be easily stored and transported.
One cold winter morning, an elderly man named Mr. Wang came knocking at the door of Li's house with his frail wife by his side. He had heard about Li's exceptional quality of charcoal and wanted some for his family's fireplace because he knew it would help keep them warm through harsh weather conditions.
Li warmly welcomed Mr. Wang into his home and offered him tea while discussing what kind of wood would be best suited for making high-quality charcoal given its specific needs: density and moisture content must meet certain criteria otherwise it won't burn efficiently nor produce enough heat needed during those freezing days.
After choosing suitable logs from their storage room filled with neatly stacked bundles wrapped in straw mats covered with plastic sheets protected against rainwater infiltration; they set up an outdoor kiln using stones gathered around which were heated until reaching extremely high temperatures before gradually reducing temperature levels so that carbonization occurred evenly throughout each piece being processed under close observation by Mr Wong who kept note-taking diligently recording every detail down onto paper notebooks accompanied by sketching diagrams on whiteboards creating detailed maps showing where exactly within these areas different types' materials should come together forming patterns based upon sizes & shapes desired outcomes following traditional methods practiced since generation after generation always keeping mind open learning new ways thinking outside box yet never losing sight essential principles maintaining harmony between nature human society simultaneously striving towards sustainability working together hand-in-hand building trust among fellow villagers sharing wisdom experiences becoming part living history local culture identity symbols community pride even though not everyone directly participates actively contributing behind scenes many still appreciate importance role sellers play daily lives as well supporting infrastructure economic stability social fabric weaving intricate tapestry rich diverse heritage we all share cherish celebrate embrace