
  • 古诗
  • 2025年02月02日
  • 在一个风和日丽的下午,村里的刘六盖了一幢高大气派的新房。上个月,他搬了进去,自认为自己的生活已经达到了巅峰。但是,这一天却带来了意想不到的一系列奇异事件。 这天晚上,刘六到邻村的王二家喝酒,酒后还搓了几把麻将。回家时已是下半夜了。他骑着摩托车走到家门口,刚要掏钥匙开门,却发现刚才明明还看见的大门突然不见了。出现在眼前的却是一个石碑,上面字迹清晰,竟是一块墓碑。刘六心里一惊,赶忙用手擦了擦双眼



这天晚上,刘六到邻村的王二家喝酒,酒后还搓了几把麻将。回家时已是下半夜了。他骑着摩托车走到家门口,刚要掏钥匙开门,却发现刚才明明还看见的大门突然不见了。出现在眼前的却是一个石碑,上面字迹清晰,竟是一块墓碑。刘六心里一惊,赶忙用手擦了擦双眼,再看,也还是墓碑。他 wondered whether he had walked to the wrong place, and ended up at the village west's chaotic graveyard.

Liu Li looked up and saw that he was indeed standing in front of his own home. He couldn't help but shiver as he thought about what might have happened. He quickly pulled out his phone and called his wife to come open the door for him. Just then, a rooster crowed loudly, followed by all the roosters in the village.

This time, Liu Li noticed that the tombstone was gone, and his own front door appeared again. Liu Li opened the door and rushed inside like a frightened rabbit, even forgetting to park his motorcycle in the yard.

The next day, after finishing breakfast, Liu Li immediately invited Mr. Zhao from our village who specialized in geomancy to come take a look at his front door. After listening to Liu Li tell him about yesterday night's strange events, Mr. Zhao went outside to examine it carefully before saying: "This doorway is hidden with evil spirits; when building this house did you use any impure materials?"

Liu Six nodded sheepishly as he recalled how he had saved money by digging a long stone slab from an abandoned grave on Village West Hill for use as a doorstep stone during construction of their new home.

On the second day after Mr.Li told him what had happened during construction of their new home ,Liudong prepared incense offerings respectfully asked people moved back into unclaimed graves doorstep stones . From then on there were no more such occurrences.

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