Russians, he cried out in agony, rushing through the palace to find a sword with which to kill that monstrous creature who was both his mother and his wife. People fled from him in terror until he reached his own bedchamber, where he kicked open the locked door and rushed inside. He found a scene of unspeakable horror: Iocaste hanging from the ceiling, her hair streaming down like a waterfall.
Dionysus gazed upon her lifeless form with anguished eyes, then wailed aloud as he approached her. He untied the noose that had strangled her and laid her body on the floor. Taking off the golden brooch she wore around her neck, he grasped it tightly in his right hand and raised it high above his head in an act of self-curse.
"Why have you shown me such a sight?" he raged at his own unseeing eyes before plunging the brooch into them. Finally free from this living nightmare, Dionysus stumbled out of the room.
As if driven by some madman's fury or grief-stricken madness,
he tore through courtiers' ranks,
his eyes ablaze like two burning stars.
His face contorted with pain,
as if every fiber of his being was rent apart.
He ran without pause or rest
until at last exhausted by emotion's weight,
he collapsed on cold stone floorboards.
When finally able to speak,
Dionysus confessed all—
the crime against Zeus for Laius' death,
and matrimony defiled by incestuous union;
yet still they bore him love without disdain.
No scorn did Creon offer him now;
rather pity filled their hearts for this man
who had suffered divine vengeance so cruelly.
With deep gratitude,
he yielded up kingship to Creon,
entrusting young sons under care unknown;
asked too that one fair monument be raised
for sorrowful mother whose fate none could claim;
then turning to leave once more,
Dionysus gave thanks for friends who'd stood true;
lastly asked heaven protect all people dear.
Thus having spoken words full of regret
and final farewell given heartfelt tears,
this suffering king let go last embrace:
"Let them burn me alive on Cithaeron's peak!"
so prayed Dionysus; but gods were silent there—