
  • 古诗
  • 2025年01月28日
  • 《卖油郎与画仙》绘本故事 从前,有个年轻人每天挑着担子走街串巷卖油为生,人们叫他“卖油郎”,因为家里穷尚未娶妻。有一天,在路上,他看到有人在卖画,画上画的是一个非常漂亮的年轻女子, sells oil for a living, and people call him "the Oil Seller." He has not yet married because his



从前,有个年轻人每天挑着担子走街串巷卖油为生,人们叫他“卖油郎”,因为家里穷尚未娶妻。有一天,在路上,他看到有人在卖画,画上画的是一个非常漂亮的年轻女子, sells oil for a living, and people call him "the Oil Seller." He has not yet married because his family is poor. One day, while he is walking on the street, he sees someone selling paintings. The painting depicts a beautiful young woman who catches his eye. He buys the painting and becomes infatuated with it, spending all his time admiring it instead of selling oil.

As time passes, the Oil Seller starts to miss his wife and decides to go back to her. He finds her in the painting again and begs her not to return to the picture. She agrees and they live together as husband and wife once more.

The story ends with the Oil Seller's wife giving birth to two children. As their children grow up, they forget about the painting that brought them together. One day, while cleaning out an old trunk in their attic, they discover the same painting that had brought them together years ago.

The story then jumps forward in time several years later when one day while going through some old trunks in their attic (now empty) she found this very same picture which was forgotten by everyone after all those years...
