
  • 古诗
  • 2025年01月28日
  • 从前,有一个年轻人每天挑着担子走街串巷卖油为生,人们叫他“卖油郎”,因为家里穷尚未娶妻。有一天,在路上,他看到有人在卖画,画上绘的是一个非常漂亮的年轻女子。这个美丽的景象深深吸引了他,他一下就被迷住了,然后买下了这幅画,将它小心翼翼地贴在墙上,对着那幅画看,看得入迷。 几天后,卖油郎发现自己对那幅画产生了一种神奇的感情,每当他离开家时,都会回头朝那幅画看几眼。一连好几天,他都没有再出去卖油





于是,他决定要找出那个做饭给他的神秘人物。当第二次回到门口时,那个姑娘再次出现并开始准备午餐。她的动作迅速而熟练,让人仿佛能感受到她手中的锅铲散发出的热气和食物上的香味。而当她准备要回到原来的位置时, sells oil, he suddenly stepped out from behind the door and begged her not to go back. The girl agreed.

After that, the picture in the room became a reality. The girl became his wife, helping him with household chores while he was away selling oil. She proved to be an excellent homemaker, keeping their home tidy and comfortable. However, she often looked at the painting longingly. Sells Oil worried that she would return to it and began hiding the painting.

Years passed by, they had two adorable children growing up together in their home. Over time, they grew old enough for them to take care of themselves but still remembered their parents' love story. Meanwhile, the painting was forgotten until one day when it was discovered hidden beneath a box by Sells Oil's wife.

As soon as she saw it again, she returned to her original form – a beautiful picture on canvas – leaving Sells Oil alone once more in his world of reality and fantasy.
