
  • 古诗
  • 2025年01月04日
  • 在一个偏远的小村庄里,住着一位聪明的农家女。她的父亲是一位贫穷的农民,他没有土地可耕,但他有了一所小屋和这个才华横溢的女儿。一天,女儿对父亲说:“我们应该向国王求取一块荒地。”当国王得知他们贫困的情况后,他慷慨地赐给了他们一片土地。 然后,她和她父亲开始翻土,希望能种植一些粮食。当他们几乎将整块土地翻完时,在土中发现了一个纯金制成的水缸。父亲对女儿说:“我们的国王很仁慈



然后,她和她父亲开始翻土,希望能种植一些粮食。当他们几乎将整块土地翻完时,在土中发现了一个纯金制成的水缸。父亲对女儿说:“我们的国王很仁慈,他送给了我们这片土地作为回报,我们应该把这个金水缸献给他。”然而,这个聪明的农家女不同意,说:“爸爸,我们有水缸却没有锤子,要找到锤子才能继续工作,所以您还是别说话。”但父亲不听 Daughter's advice, took the water jar to see the king, saying he found it while plowing and hopes the king would accept this gift. The king took the golden water jar and asked if they didn't find anything else; "No," replied the farmer. Then, the king said that now he should go look for a hammer too. The farmer replied that they hadn't found any hammers either.

The king just laughed at his words and had him thrown into prison, saying that he wouldn't be released until he found a hammer. The jailers brought him food every day - nothing but bread and water - as they heard him shouting loudly: "Oh! If only I had listened to my daughter!" Thus informed of his cries in prison: "Alas! If only I had listened to my daughter!"

So one day when she came before me with her father from some distant village where she was born; “If you are indeed so wise,” said I unto her, “then tell me this riddle: You must come unto me without wearing clothes nor being naked; neither ride upon an ass nor walk on foot; neither tread within doors nor tarry without them.” And thus didst she answer:

Firstly, she stripped herself bare,

Then wrapped herself in a net,

And rode upon an ass.

Thus was she not naked,

Nor yet didst ride on horseback or walk on foot;

Nor trod within doors nor tarry'd without them.

When thus arrived before me,

I asked what meaning lay

In all this strange attire;

She answered with mirthful smile:

"I came not here by land or sea,"

"Neither by horse nor beast,"

"But walking o'er both earth and sea."

Thus proved her wit so sharp

That won my heart at last.

Forsooth I made her mine own wife,

And gave her wealth beyond compare.

This is how wisdom oftentimes doth win us hearts and minds through its subtle cunning ways.

Later years passed by swiftly till one fateful morning when King decided to inspect his army which led to another incident involving three farmers who sold their wood logs leaving carts at royal palace entrance – some were pulled by oxen while others were drawn by horses. One cart carried three horses including a foal born recently which ran away lying down between two cows of another cart leading oxen-driven wagon owner’s claim over it due to birthright dispute among farmers resulting chaos amongst themselves amidst quarrels &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;<< 1 2 >>&amp;amp;&amp amp ;& lt ;& lt ;& lt ;
