
  • 名句
  • 2025年02月26日
  • 在那个风雨交加的夜晚,苏颜搬进了一套豪华公寓,感受到了前所未有的独立和自由。然而,她很快就发现这间别墅里似乎隐藏着一个秘密,一种诡异而不可思议的存在。 每当夜幕降临,苏颜都会听见“咔哒、咔哒、咔哒……”的声音,就像有人在走动,但她总是找不到来源。有时,她会梦到一个红衣女鬼,这个梦让她心惊胆战。她试图联系姜文浩,但他的回答总是冷漠而无助。 一天深夜,苏颜再次被那些脚步声吓醒。她决定自己调查此事




一天深夜,苏颜再次被那些脚步声吓醒。她决定自己调查此事,却发现一切都像是幻觉。但就在她即将放弃时,那股腐臭味 suddenly overwhelmed her, and she knew something was terribly wrong.

The next morning, the police arrived to investigate the strange noises and smells. They found a decomposing body hidden beneath the bathtub, dressed in a red dress and high heels – identical to the woman from her dreams. The horror of it all sent shivers down Su's spine as she realized that this might be connected to her boyfriend's past infidelity.

As they dug deeper into the case, they discovered that Su's boyfriend had an affair with a woman named Lan Mei'er who ended up dead at his hands. His wife killed Lan Mei'er out of jealousy but couldn't bear to dispose of the body so hid it in the bathtub. The smell had persisted for years until someone finally reported it.

In a shocking twist, it turned out that Su herself was actually Lan Mei'er's sister! She had been living under an assumed identity all along. As she confronted her boyfriend about his involvement in her sister's death, he froze in terror as if realizing too late what he had done.

And so, on that fateful night when everything came full circle, Su stood by watching as justice was served – not just for her sister but also for herself who'd lived a lie for so long.
